Why IJEP has been launched?
A brief search in the beginning of 2020, using the words education or teaching in the title of the journals on the list Qualis, related to the Education and Teaching areas of the CAPES Agency [2], indicated the existence of approximately 375 Brazilian journals. An inspection of the active journal webpages from the search (301) found that the majority of journals (86.4%) publish articles only in Portuguese, 7.3% of the journals publish in Portuguese and English languages, while only 6.3% accept to publish papers in English.
Considering that there is no doubt about the quality of the Brazilian research, the reduced production in universal language difficult the internationalization process and the spread out overseas of the teaching and education research done in Brazil.
Thus, IJEP has been launched to facilitate the publication process and join other academic journals, which publish in both languages, and to establish an accessible publication process for Brazilian research written in high quality English, while maintaining the Portuguese versions available to a broad public of Brazilian educators, as well as to atract articles from abroad.